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249 건 (20/25페이지)
번호 논문명 학술지구분 학술지명 IF 저자명
59 [이달의 우수 논문_5월] Unveiling ways to reach organic purchase_ Green perceived value, perceived knowledge, attitude, subjective norm, and trust SSCI Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 노태우
58 [이달의 우수 논문_4월] What makes consumers trust and adopt fintech? An empirical investigation in China SSCI Electronic Commerce Research 노태우
57 [이달의 우수 논문_4월] MILP-based Imitation Learning for HVAC Control SCIE IEEE Internet of Things Journal 김대희
56 [이달의 우수 논문_4월] Therapeutic modulation of GSTO activity rescues FUS-associated neurotoxicity via deglutathionylation in ALS disease models SCIE Developmental Cell 김기영
55 [이달의 우수논문_3월] Modulations of a Metal–Ligand Interaction and Photophysical Behaviors by Hückel–Möbius Aromatic Switching SCIE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 오주원
54 [이달의 우수논문_3월] Externally Monitored Versus Conventional Buried Flaps in Laryngopharyngeal Reconstruction SCIE Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology 반명진
53 [이달의 우수논문_3월] Is the Mirroring Technology Reliable in the Use of Computer-Aided Design for Orbital Reconstruction? Three-Dimensional Analysis of Asymmetry in the Orbits SCIE Plastic and reconstructive surgery 신호성
52 [이달의 우수논문_3월] Burden of dust storms on years of life lost in Seoul, South Korea: A distributed lag analysis SCIE Environmental Pollution 이혜원
51 [이달의 우수논문_3월] Outcomes of living liver donors are worse than those of matched healthy controls SCIE Journal of Hepatology 김재헌
50 [이달의 우수논문_2월] Impact of Non-Aeronautical Revenues on Airport Landing Charge in Global Airports SCIE TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD 노태우