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295 건 (5/30페이지)
번호 논문명 학술지구분 학술지명 IF 저자명
255 [24년 11월] Interaction mechanism between MOF derived cobalt/rGO composite and sulfur for long cycle life of lithium-sulfur batteries SCIE CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 13.3 안욱
254 [24년 11월] CGSS: A New Framework of Compressed Sensing Based on Geometric Sequential Representation Against Insufficient Observations SCIE IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8.2 송태원
253 [24년 11월] Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Based Age-of-Information-Aware Low-Power Active Queue Management for IoT Sensor Networks SCIE IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8.2 송태원
252 [24년 11월] Racial and Regional Disparities Surrounding In-Hospital Mortality among Patients with 2019 Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Evidence from NIS Sample in 2020 SSCI Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities 3.2 김선정
251 [24년 11월] Participation and Continuation Factors of Volunteer Activities Among Retired Government Employees: Evidence from South Korea SSCI SAGE Open 2 임동진
250 [24년 11월] Eight-year trajeries and predictors of cognitive function in community-dwelling Korean older adults with cardiovascular diseases SSCI JOURNAL OF NURSING SCHOLARSHIP 2.4 김은영
249 [24년 10월] Autophagy controls neuronal differentiation by regulating the WNT-DVL signaling pathway SCIE Autophagy 14.6 심재원
248 [24년 10월] Semi-supervised intrusion detection system for in-vehicle networks based on variational autoencoder and adversarial reinforcement learning SCIE KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS 7.2 김대희, 조정호
247 [24년 10월] Robust real-time energy management for a hydrogen refueling station using generative adversarial imitation learning SCIE APPLIED ENERGY 10.1 김대희, 박성근
246 [24년 10월] Enhanced oxygen evolution reaction in alkaline water electrolysis using bimetallic NiFe metal-organic frameworks integrated with carbon nanotubes SCIE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 8.1 조용현