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190 건 (5/19페이지)
번호 논문명 학술지구분 학술지명 IF 저자명
150 [이달의 우수논문_23년 10월] Facet-dependent peroxo species regulate product distribution and H2O2 utilization in CeO2-catalyzed aniline oxidation SCIE JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A 11.9 이정훈
149 [이달의 우수논문_23년 10월] Engineering Geometric Electrodes for Electric Field-Enhanced High-Performance Flexible In-Plane Micro-Supercapacitors SCIE Energy & Environmental Materials 15 이영우
148 [이달의 우수논문_23년 10월] Breastfeeding and impact on childhood hospital admissions: a nationwide birth cohort in South Korea SCIE Nature Comm unications 16.6 이정선
147 [이달의 우수논문_23년 10월] Is patients’ rurality associated within-hospital sepsis death in UShospitals? SSCI Frontiers in Public Health 6.461 김선정
146 [이달의 우수논문_23년 9월] Unrecognized comorbid autism spectrum disorder in children initially diagnosed with only attention deficit hyperactivity disorder SCIE ASIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY 9.5 이지원
145 [이달의 우수논문_23년 9월] Premature Mortality and Causes of Death Among People With Epilepsy A Nationwide Population-Based Incident Cohort Study SCIE NEUROLOGY 9.9 문혜진
144 [이달의 우수논문_23년 9월] Genome-wide multi-omics analysis reveals the nutrient-dependent metabolic features of mucin-degrading gut bacteria SCIE GUT MICROBES 12.2 이윤경
143 [이달의 우수논문_23년 9월] Utilizing hybrid faradaic mechanism via catalytic and surface interactions for high-performance flexible energy storage system SCIE JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY 13.1 이영우
142 [이달의 우수논문_23년 8월] Real-time energy scheduling for home energy management systems with an energy storage system and electric vehicle based on a supervised-learning -based strategy SCIE Energy Conversion and Management 10.4 김대희
141 [이달의 우수논문_23년 8월] Ventilation strategies based on an aerodynamic analysis during a large-scale SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in an acute-care hospital SCIE Journal of Clinical Virology 8.8 이은정